Hydraulic Hoses

At G&M Ward & Sons we have large varieties of hose for all machinery along with a wide range of hydraulic fittings and adaptors to suit.

Ward's stock of hoses and fittings is constantly updated to keep up with the latest technologies.

We offer a range of over 1000 hydraulic fittings and adaptors from B.S.P to J.I.C and many more.

We also keep a large stock of steel pipe and the specialist fittings to suit, so if you need your steel tube to be formed, then G&M Ward have the facility to bend steel pipes.

With our portable bending machine, we can now come to you and install your specialist steel pipe-work.

Our aim is to not only create a better hydraulic system, but also manages to be aesthetically pleasing, this means that your system will work flawlessly and look good to your customers.

We are committed to the very highest standards which means we adhere to recognised quality and safety processes and procedures.
See Our Standards